Upcoming Training Courses
(with Charlie Snow)
The APG A-Z is a series of 26 short and inspiring videos that are designed to give you all the basics for a proper understanding of the practice of planning and strategy. Whether you’re just starting out in an agency - be it in advertising, media, social, design, whatever - and have planner or strategist in your title, or you work for a client or research company and have a professional interest in strategy, this course is for you to do in your own time.
Next Course: Online
Strategy for Solving Business and Marketing Problems
The course will equip you with the tools to see beyond the client brief and get to the ‘question behind the question’. You will develop more powerful and robust strategies as a result that demonstrate to clients the value creative strategy can bring to their business.
Next Course: In-Person
16th & 17th June 2025
Essential Planning Skills
This course is ideally suited for Planners and Strategists with 2 years+ of experience in the industry. It is designed for Strategists from a variety of disciplines – be it brand planning, digital planning, channel planning, engagement planning...
Next Course: Online
25th Feb, 4th, 12th, 18th, 25th March & 1st April 2025
APG Night School
APG Night School is a brand new kind of online training for planners and strategists who are new to agency life. It’s aimed at people in their first two years of work, typically under 25 years old.
It covers the most important things planners are asked to do at the start of their career in a series of short, clear, practical modules.
These include:
Doing a competitive review
Understanding the different uses of qual and quant research
Coming up with and presenting initial strategic thoughts
Helping out on a pitch
Building confidence
Learning what makes you most useful as a junior planner
Next Course: Online
Starts April 2025
Strategic Management Masterclasses with Craig+Bridget
Being an excellent planner or strategist can propel you up through the ranks to senior jobs but rarely prepares you for becoming a strategic manager, running a big client or a planning department.
This course aims to fill the strategy management gaps and give you the confidence and ability to embrace your promotion, whenever it comes, and make a success of it.
Next Course: Online
30th April, 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th May 2025
*Dates subject to change
APG Training in association with Tracksuit
Tracksuit is the beautiful, affordable and accessible brand tracking tool to measure and communicate the value of brand-building.
Built from best-in-class methodology, Tracksuit is accessible and easy to understand for everyone from CMOs to CFOs, brand marketing specialists and agencies to founders.
Trusted by agencies and over 650 modern consumer brands around the world, Tracksuit surveys thousands of people each week to track consumer awareness, consideration, usage, preference and perceptions of a brand. The data is collected from different markets and demographics, while also being used to benchmark each brand against its competitors.