APG 'Top Talks' 2020
A series of online talks from interesting and inspiring strategy leaders
In 2020 we hosted a number of Top Talks by top strategists. We've asked them to choose topics that they are passionate about or think will be of most use to the APG community. Some will have specific relevance to the times we are in, and others will have more general interest and applicability. They will all be good! They will be about 30-45 minutes long.
They are an APG member benefit and therefore for members only.
Go here to view our Top Talks for 2021.
We will be housing video's and decks from the past top talks on our Think Tank so you'll be able to watch back any moments you missed.
7th October 2020
Speaker: Steven Lacey, Founder of 'The Outsiders'
25th June 2020
Speaker: Sam Knowles, Experienced data storyteller for companies and brands