I’m delighted to announce that Michael Lee is the new Chair of the APG. Many of you know Michael by reputation as the far-seeing and brilliant CSO of VCCP, the agency that he joined, incidentally, when it had only 23 people (it now has 1100). You may also know that he chaired the shortlisting judges for the APG Creative Strategy Awards last year and is co-founder of the VCCP Stoke Academy, VCCP’s social inclusion initiative.
But if you haven’t met him yet you should also know about the personal qualities that made him such a sure bet for our new Chair. We bandy the word ‘vision’ around in planning circles but having worked with Michael for the last 2 years I think he has a unique claim to be a visionary strategic thinker and doer, for business and brands and for planning and planners. He also has lots of energy and enthusiasm and the admiration and respect of the senior leaders in our community who have wholeheartedly endorsed him.
We’re hugely looking forward to his two-year term as Chair and for the inspiration and innovative ideas that he will bring to us all.
Sarah Newman
APG Director