If you’ve been to our events or training courses, you know how seriously we take our feedback. It’s always helpful to hear from you about the things you liked, the things you didn’t, and the things you want more of.
In 2020, you gave us a multitude of great ideas for events. So much so, we held almost 40 Top Talks on topics relating both inside and outside of the ‘Planning Bubble’. We’ve covered everything from insights, briefing and pitching, to nordic design, monopoly and Ramadan.
Some recurring themes from your feedback suggestions were: where to find inspiration and ideas, how to pitch and present better, how to work during a crisis, applications of behavioural science in advertising and hearing from people outside the planning industry.
You can see many of our talks relating to these subjects on our Top Talks page in our Think Tank.
Outside of our feedback forms, we’ve heard your cry for more opportunities for networking, mentorship and forums. Although Zoom networking has been difficult during the last 18 months, we’ve been able to kick start both a mentorship programme for Young Planners and a Heads of Planning Forum. We will be doing more of this in 2022 along with some new initiatives.
Coming out of 2021, we have a plethora of new and exciting talks and events, both live and virtual, that were inspired by you. Keep an eye out on the website for what’s happening and when.
Thank you all for taking the time to feed back after our events and training sessions. Your suggestions are invaluable to us. Please also feel free to email us with any new ideas or topics you’d like to hear about. We listen.

Lexi Campbell
Head of Events Marketing
Email: Lexi@apg.org.uk