Baroness Susan Greenfield is one of the world's experts on the brain and how digital culture is re-wiring it. And she is speaking at our Strategy vs. Robots conference on Wednesday 25th May.

She's also a prominent author and broadcaster who is no stranger to controversy and debate. An Oxford Professor and Fellow of the Royal Society with 32 honorary degrees and the Legion d'Honneur to her name, she has an incisive view on the interplay between tech, our brain chemistry and our lives.
We're thrilled to have her. Kate Fox was due to speak at the conference and I know that many of you were very excited about meeting her. I'm sorry to say that Kate has had to leave the country suddenly because of a personal tragedy so she is incredibly apologetic that she won't be with us on Wednesday. She's very keen to speak to the APG on return however, so we'll be setting up a separate event to focus just on her and her new thinking around people, tech and social media. We'll let you know as soon as it's in the diary. In the meantime, see you Wednesday
Sarah Newman APG Director