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APG launches in the West


In partnership with Bristol Media, APG is delighted to announce the launch of APG West.


Our launch event is on April 21st, and features a keynote from Dom Boyd, Group Head of Strategy at adam&eveDDB. He’ll tell us about the opportunities presented by the age of 'Brand Entrepreneurs' – planners who are more than just smart thinkers, but innovative doers as well.

We will also give an introduction to the events, training and expertise that the APG West has to offer, and give you the chance to shape the program we deliver.

Our venue is the fantastic space at Ovo Energy, a challenger brand that has built its business rapidly and embodies the Brand Entrepreneur mentality.

This event is for you if:

  • You are a Strategist or Head of Planning in an agency

  • You work within a business and want to make your brand work harder

  • You run an agency or client services team and want to play a more strategic role with clients

  • You are a consultant trying to get their clients to think longer term


APG West aims to demonstrate, facilitate and celebrate better planning and strategy in the South West. We hope to establish a community of like-minded people from agencies and clients alike, run events and training that inspire better strategy, and make it easier to attract and retain great strategic talent within the region.

Our region knows innovation. We have young talent, digital expertise and a vibrant creative economy flourish, but few agencies have developed the strategic resources or mindset of their London counterparts. That has to change. Every business needs insight, rigour and long-term planning, and APG West will champion these skillsets and aim to improve the contribution they make to businesses in the South West.


The APG is the resource for planners and strategists in advertising and communication agencies who want to develop their skills and career. Its events and class-leading training help planners produce the crystal-clear thinking that can set a brand apart from its competition. It is a non-profit organisation, open to individuals across the country.

Owing to the London-centric focus of the industry, it’s often been hard for South West agencies to make full use of APG’s services. We want to change that.

APG West Launch Event in association with Bristol Media


Read more from APG West here

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