As new Chair of the APG, I'm filled with genuine excitement.
First, because the APG is in rude health. This is in no small part thanks to out-going Chair Tracey Follows whose ideas, energy & vision have given the APG new vim & vigour - our community grew, we developed a new identity and digital presence and had our most successful awards ever. As founder of AnyDayNow, she is also a wonderful entrepreneurial role model to us all.
So thank you Tracey - yours are both big & colourful shoes to fill.
Second, I'm excited because 2016's shaping up to be a revolutionary year with businesses embracing AI and Virtual Reality going mainstream. Never have the opportunities and challenges for brands been bigger.
As APG Chair, I believe strategists can - and must - be the leaders of this revolution. So my Agenda is focused firmly on accelerating our role as Brand Entrepreneurs that truly transform our clients businesses. You can find the manifesto for change HERE.
Third I'm excited to introduce a new-look APG Committee that has digital, tech, media, experience design and business innovation baked-in. These skills will be reflected in our activities going forwards. You can find the new committee HERE.
Finally, I'm excited to get YOUR ideas on what you'd like the APG to do going forwards. So we've introducing OpenAPG, where you can tell us what you think. Please do - the more you input, the better the APG can be.
This is just the start. My ambition is that over the next two years we'll keep evolving through new initiatives which make being a strategist the most exciting career you can have, bar none.
Let's do this.

Dom Boyd
APG Chair