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How to Enter

APG Creative Strategy Awards 2025

Entries for the APG Awards will open in January 2025

Getting started

The best way to get started is to read winning papers from past APG Creative Strategy Awards. There are over 200 winning papers to draw inspiration from and you can read them all on the APG Think Thank (you will need to be an active APG Member to access the papers).

Writing your paper

Your paper must be in written a word document form and must not exceed 2,000 words for the APG Creative Strategy Awards and 3,000 words for the Long Term Thinking Award. Please state the word-count at the end of your paper.


You must provide a summary of the paper (maximum 250 words) along with 1 image to represent your paper. This must be included in your paper immediately following the title page. This summary is not included in your final word count.


IMPORTANT NOTE: All papers will need to be written as a word document and saved in PDF format in order to submit. We cannot take papers written in powerpoint. Please see Rule 3 on our Rules and Information for more details. 

What to include in your paper (Check-list)

Title Page
  • Title of Paper

  • Brand

  • 250 word summary (not included in the final word count)

  • 1 image to represent your paper​

Final Page
  • Total Word Count

    • Creative Strategy Award = maximum 2,000 words

    • Long Term Thinking Award = maximum 3,000 words


Total Number of Pages*
  • Creative Strategy Award = 10

  • Long Term Thinking Award = 12


*Title page and final page not included

Important things to note:

  • Your paper will need to be written as a Word Document and uploaded in PDF (max file size 15mb)

  • Worldwide copyright and right to publish in digital and printed forms of each entry will pass to the APG and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the approvals supplied are adequate for this purpose and that all data and information included in the paper may be published.

Submitting your paper

Upload Details

All papers will be uploaded through our online submission portal (opens January 2025)​. You will need to fill out information for each paper submitted: 


* = Required


Please choose the type of award you are entering*:
  • APG Creative Strategy Awards

  • Long Term Thinking Awards

Please provide the following information:
  • Full Name of Primary Author*:

  • APG Membership Number of Primary Author*:

  • Telephone number of Primary Author*:

  • Additional Authors:

  • Brand*:

  • Client*:

  • Title of Paper*:

  • Agency Name*:

  • Agency Address*:

  • Full Name of Approving Agency CSO/Senior Management*:

  • Full Name of Approving Senior Client*:


  • I confirm that my APG Creative Strategy Awards paper is no more than 10 pages and 2,000 words

  • I confirm that my APG Long Term Thinking Awards paper is no more than 12 pages and 3,000 words

  • I confirm that I have written my paper as a Word Document and uploaded as a PDF (max file size: 15mb)

  • I have included a Summary page (250 word summary and 1 picture) at the beginning of the paper

  • I have double checked the word count and it is stated it at the end of my paper

  • I have noted the following statement: Worldwide copyright and right to publish in digital and printed forms of each entry will pass to the APG and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the approvals supplied are adequate for this purpose and that all data and information included in the paper may be published.

  • To understand how we collect and store the data given in your submissions, please view our Privacy Policy

Payment Details

Please note: If you submit 4 papers the 5th is free
Submitting inside the UK

Each primary author will need to be an active member of the APG. Your email and membership number are both needed to access the awards portal. 


If you are not a member, you will need to purchase membership along with your submission. 

Do you have any questions?

If you have any other questions, or something isn't clear, please email Sarah -
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