Aug 3, 20173 min read
Planners Unmasked | Chris Welton
I believe tech and data can do wonders for creativity and make it even more relevant but I think as an industry there’s a danger we jump...
Aug 1, 20174 min read
How to get ahead in planning? Advice from four wise owls.
Four wise owls of the planning world have revealed what they think it takes to succeed as a young planner. Learn about what they look for...
Jul 20, 20177 min read
Cannes 2017: The ones that won, and one or two that got away….
APG collaborated with the Guardian on a review of the festival for the benefit of all those who didn’t make it as far as the croisette....
Jul 20, 20173 min read
Planners Unmasked | Max MacBeath
I think the best piece of advice I've had is to never take a job in advertising for an agency’s reputation or the brands it services.
Jul 13, 20174 min read
Planners Unmasked | Anna Thairs
To be a good planner you’ve got to be endlessly curious, and to be endlessly curious requires (in my opinion!) a certain level of energy and
Jun 19, 20175 min read
As everything evolves, Strategists must save the world – by not changing
How the world changed in ten years I came to London from India in the summer of 2006. I remember being in large ‘integrated’ campaign...
Jun 13, 20174 min read
Think like a CSO (with Phil Adams)
I gave a room full of strategists two minutes each to arrive at a definition of “content”. This was an experiment not a workshop...
Jun 1, 20174 min read
What makes different types of planners tick?
Last week at the Guardian, APG Young Planners met for the third time this year to dig deep into the minds of five top Planners and...
May 30, 20174 min read
APG West | A matter of perspective
A write up of APG West Planning Labs, May 2017. This event posed a deliberately provocative question: Can you do the best work of your...
May 25, 20177 min read
APG Thinking Around Corners
In a new approach to strategy events we held the first ‘APG Thinking Around Corners’ in the worst rainstorm of the year. So a tribute to...
May 3, 20172 min read
10 Characteristics of a Planner
On 20th April 2017, 60 lucky APG Young Planners spent an evening with Jim Carroll, the former Chairman and Planning Director of BBH...
Apr 27, 20175 min read
APG Noisy Thinking | Do we need target audiences any more?
In a bold and, as it turned out, rather Marmite experiment, we held the first Noisy in which the speakers spoke and the audience spoke...
Apr 13, 20175 min read
APG West | Agency value and the search for innovation
We started APG West to help embed strategic thinking as a more prominent part of agencies’ (and clients’) business here. That’s our...
Mar 23, 20173 min read
The Truth Behind Claim Data
David Ogilvy famously said, “The trouble with market research is that people don't think how they feel, they don't say what they think...
Mar 16, 20175 min read
Three underused biases that affect creative messaging, channel sellection, media implementation
One of the appealing aspects of behavioural science is that rather than being a single, over-arching theory, it’s a broad collection of...