Jun 21, 20182 min read
What the Ad World Can Learn from Politics?
Tuesday night the APG hosted Alastair Campbell. He did some Brexit bashing, he despaired over Trump, he confirmed our belief that we’re...

Jun 19, 20182 min read
Meditations on Alastair Campbell
APG Noisy Thinking: Strategies for Political Party Brands Remember the famous Blue Peter clip? The one with the elephant? It’s walking...

Mar 15, 20187 min read
APG Noisy Thinking | If the structure of our industry is broken, what should strategists do next?
This was a great big question designed to make us think about the big picture in a more strategic way, as well as offering some solutions...

Jun 19, 20175 min read
As everything evolves, Strategists must save the world – by not changing
How the world changed in ten years I came to London from India in the summer of 2006. I remember being in large ‘integrated’ campaign...

Oct 15, 20163 min read
Planners Unmasked | Pietro Barbieri-Hermitte
Give yourself this one rule: you have one chance to get your idea across. If it works, you’re a hero, if you mistime it, it’ll get lost...