Mar 22, 20163 min read
Fern goes to SXSW
A promised round up of Some Things from SXSW 2016 For full disclosure, my experience of SXSW was truncated (I was there for one day)...
Mar 7, 20163 min read
Multitasking for Strategists
Let's face it, who’s got time to read the ever expanding recommended reading list that planners impose on each other? And no I haven’t...
Mar 2, 20163 min read
Why Don’t You?
When I were a little girl there was a programme on Saturday morning telly called “Why Don’t You?” which had a theme tune that ended “Why...
Mar 1, 20162 min read
Only, connect
I’d like the theme to be about widening your field of vision and forcing yourself to connect a wider variety of seemingly disparate...