Jun 1, 20174 min read
What makes different types of planners tick?
Last week at the Guardian, APG Young Planners met for the third time this year to dig deep into the minds of five top Planners and...
Mar 9, 20175 min read
12 Brilliant Behavioural Science Books
This week I’ve shared what I think are some of the best books, blogs and events on the topic. In the following weeks I’ll discuss some...
Jan 12, 20152 min read
A Forward from Debbie Klein - Chair of Judges for APG 2015 Awards
I am delighted to be Chairing the final judging panel for the 2015 APG Creative Strategy Awards in association with Google. As a former...
Jan 23, 20144 min read
Tracey Follows on West Wing Planning and the Influential Idea
This is the text of Tracey’s article that appeared in Campaign on 23rd January In Adam Morgan’s Foreward to the APG Creative Strategy...
Apr 24, 20136 min read
What is an Idea?
Proverbial life is full of little admonishments. Never volunteer. Never explain. Well at the APG we couldn’t survive without the mildly...