Oct 7, 20163 min read
Planners Unmasked | Cedric Legrand
I see planning as a creative discipline, and I think creativity has a lot to do with synthesis. Don’t artists synthesise within culture...

Jun 3, 20163 min read
A Definition of Thinking
Baroness Susan Greenfield is a scientist, author and broadcaster with a special interest in how technology impacts our personalities by...

May 25, 20161 min read
The Human Brain and the Environment of the Screen
Baroness Susan Greenfield is a scientist, author and broadcaster with a special interest in how technology impacts our personalities by...

May 22, 20161 min read
Tech, Neurochemistry and Mind Change
Baroness Susan Greenfield is one of the world's experts on the brain and how digital culture is re-wiring it. And she is speaking at our...