APG Agency Accreditation
New Look Membership Package for Departments in 2025
APG individual membership remains unchanged. But for planning/strategy departments there is a new scheme that is great value, has more benefits and is easy to administer.
The new APG Agency Accreditation (AAA) is a signifier of commitment to creative strategy and to training and supporting planners to be at their best. It’s a clear sign of agencies investing in planners and creative strategy excellence.
It is constructed to encourage planners to use all APG benefits as much as possible by making the majority of benefits free or discounted.
And with the 2025 Creative Strategy Awards this year, it means everyone in the department can write a paper!
Under the scheme, all the planners in a department get automatic membership and if new ones join during the year, they also get automatic membership. So, it’s really easy to administer and everyone gets to be a part of it. Depending on the size of your department, you pay a flat fee and receive the following benefits:
AAA Benefits
Free access to all Noisy Thinking events
Free access to all 'How To' online training events
Discounted member tickets to other online or live APG events
Free access to APG Think Tank with all winning awards papers, online training events and Strategy Models
Free personal login to The APG A-Z for every AAA member - worth £150+vat per person
10% discount for all formal training courses
Automatic membership for all APG awards entries
Plus any new planners added through the year are free of charge and receive these benefits as well.
If you are interested in signing up your department, please email Molly Cox - Molly@apg.org.uk to get your quote.